Although there are a lot of things we’d point out as mandatory during weddings, glassware is just something people tend to overlook. Glassware is a highly versatile item and without a doubt a very practical component of a wedding. Glassware can be incorporated literally in almost every wedding, no matter the region of the globe.

These are three types of glassware that are most used at weddings:

Champagne Glasses
Pretty much everyone can agree that toasts are a very important and memorable part of a wedding. There are speeches given by the Best Man and the Maid of Honor that end with a toast, along with any family member or close friend.  The toast to the bride and groom is traditionally done using custom made champagne glasses, celebrating the occasion and also toasting for the new life together. These can be glasses that are personalized, etched, or printed with the name of the bride and groom, along of course with the wedding date. This type of glasses is very important for the wedding toast, and it would not be as memorable or elegant without it.

After the wedding, the couple can keep the champagne glasses as a beautiful memory of their special day. Or, if you're a bride and groom and want to provide your wedding attendees with a little keepsake, go ahead and order for everyone!

Wine Glasses
This one is pretty standard for weddings, just along the same lines as champagne flutes. The wedding party will typically want to have uniform glassware, tableware and everything else in their wedding.  These glasses can be used during all the phases of the wedding, and if wine is served throughout all of them of, the uniformity makes the wedding toast a true classic.

Center Pieces and Glass Vases
Generally, every table of the wedding will have a centerpiece placed in the center for decoration. This piece of glassware is often designed and crafted according to the theme of the wedding. It is used purely for decoration purposes, even though a lot of effort is put into them. Many times we see the bride and groom using centerpieces and glass vases, along with the wedding flowers, to enhance the table décor. If you are looking for a foolproof method to dress up your wedding tables, and add elegance and style to your wedding, you will never go wrong with glassware.

Glassware is indeed a very important part of a wedding. From the champagne flutes used to toast, up to glass centerpieces and vases that beautify the wedding tables, glassware will always add a magicical element to your wedding.